Public space
Installation in public space
7 Picture panels
the work is available on vimeo
write to the artist for link and password
A concentration camp was located on the road between Flössberg and Beucha in the district of Leipzig, Germany between November 1944 and April 1945. By order of the Hugo-Schneider-AG (HASAG), warheads for bazookas of about 1900 mainly Jewish prisoners were to be produced. Many of the prisoners died because of the living and working conditions in the camp or as a result of brutal maltreatment by the supervisors. The seven life-size picture panels consist of partially painted photographs that function as artistic reference and commemorative monuments in public space. The people (inhabitants of Flößberg and Beucha) point to something not visible in the background of the pictures and thus refer beyond the pictures to the now almost invisible former location of the camp.